For almost 10 years, the Influencing Action Movement has been mentoring youth in the Philadelphia community. All of our students who successfully complete the program enroll in college. This year we have 8 graduating seniors, and as you can imagine, it’s been a traumatic experience for them to have worked so hard and then not be able to celebrate their accomplishments traditionally – no prom, no senior class trip, no graduation!
Each year we raise funds to send our seniors off with college care packages. This year we are asking all of our friends and family to dig a little deeper so we can really make them feel special with not only care packages but scholarships as well. Many of their families have been financially impacted by this pandemic and need support.
There are two ways to give:
(1) Click here to purchase items directly from our IAM Mentoring Senior Gift Registry
(2) Click here to make a monetary donation online
No amount is too small!
We will host a virtual ceremony on May 19th at 7pm and all donors will be sent an invitation to join!
For more questions and information, please email