On Saturday, September 14, 2013 African American and Latina women came together to raise awareness about Heart Disease and Stroke among the minority population. Among those attendees were Leigh Amber Small (Assistant Program Coordinator, City of Philadelphia) @leighambersmall and IAM mentor Alanna Gardner @agardnermft (Therapist, @philadelphiamft). Both of them are highly involved with this cause as Co-Chairs of Color Me Red, a multicultural initiative to get 18-30 year olds involved in heart health and stroke awareness.
As a survivor of a massive heart attack, @agardnermft was featured as a facilitator on the expert panel for the “Looking Good from the Inside Out” workshop held at the conference. This panel featured a wide array of women who are dedicated to a life of healthy living. They shared their stories, answered questions, and encouraged women to workout and make their health a priority. On top of this excellent panel, Keynote Speaker Dr. Robin L. Smith @DrRobinLSmith shared some great words of inspiration and stressed the importance of putting yourself first in all facets of your life (including your HEALTH).
Healthy living cannot be stressed enough. Becoming more aware about such initiatives can help to change and save the lives of many in our communities. Always remember: “Your HEALTH is your WEALTH!”
#IAMHealthy #IAMinspired #IAMaSurvivor