IAM Connected w. Sincerely Syreeta #SSontheScene

#SSontheScene was present at IAM’s premiere networking event in March 2013 with special guest Kharisma McIlwaine. Ever since, #IAM has been following @SincerelyReeta and the lady behind the brand, Syreeta Martin!

Syreeta is a journalist who inspires and empowers others using the human experience as a means of encouraging readers to recognize and embrace the evolution that we all experience in our personal journeys through life. @SincerelyReeta also remains engaged in the community through “Sissy’s Here…” a project first launched in 2012 to provide a real support system for women in poverty.

#IAM salutes @SincerelyReeta for Influencing Action through powerful storytelling and community service!

Visit www.sincerelysyreeta.com

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