IAM Connected w. Tabb Management

Latiaynna Tabb is the Owner of Philadelphia’s newest intimate marketing and event production company “managing growing talent”: Tabb Management. @TabbMGT has been steadily expanding to new heights and will soon have the pleasure of co-hosting United Way’s LIVE UNITED Summer Jam, in honor of the 2013 Day of Action. United Way’s Day of Action is a national event held at LOVE Park [1599 JFK Blvd.] on Friday June 21, 2013 12PM – 2PM. Come out to enjoy live music, enter a chance to win Made in America concert tickets, and learn about education volunteer opportunities! There will also be a special performance by #IAMmentor @SuzannChristine!!

Latiaynna Tabb

#IAM salutes @TabbMGT for influencing action by serving the community through event production!

#IAMserving #IAMentertainment #IAMempowering

Connect with Tabb Management on Facebook or Twitter @TabbMGT